Flowers in the room: "green" trends

A lot has been said about eco-trends. They have become a leitmotif in the design of any room. Plant decor is used even in bathrooms. What causes such a turn to nature? First of all, the fact that we live in an urbanized environment. Flowers in a modern interior are a return to the roots, taking care of one's health and emotional balance.

Landscaping is a great solution for those who are not yet ready to get a pet. The home jungle needs "reinforcement": natural colors and materials, accessories and patterns inspired by flora and fauna.

The role of indoor plants in the interior:

  • "Enliven" the environment;
  • Toxins are removed from the air;
  • Moisturize the air and saturate it with oxygen;
  • Have an aromatherapeutic effect (some types);
  • Reduce stress and fatigue;
  • Contribute to restful sleep;
  • Increase productivity and concentration.
  • How to choose and beautifully arrange indoor plants

    Flowers and people have a lot in common: everyone has their own character and preferences. Someone is unpretentious, and someone is capricious. Some need constant attention and care, while others value peace and solitude. What should be known to those who decide to landscape a house or apartment?

    House plants in the interior of a residential building should feel comfortable. Take into account the side where the windows face and the amount of free space. For example, palm trees and other tall representatives of the flora are suitable for rooms with high ceilings. But if you want to achieve a grotesque effect, large outdoor flowers and plants in the interior of small apartments also look interesting. Ask where your plant is from. North facing windows are contraindicated for those who are used to heat and sun. Flower pots that are afraid of direct sunlight are better hidden in the depths of the room. This is a guarantee of health and normal growth. Let's summarize the factors that influence the choice and placement of flowers:

  • Lighting, temperature and humidity;
  • Stylish and color decoration of the interior;
  • Presence of small children and pets;
  • Features and complications of care.
  • Tips on caring for plants in the interior of the apartment

    There are also purely practical points that need to be taken into account. Tell yourself honestly how much time you are willing to devote to care: watering, transplanting, feeding and other procedures. An important aspect is a stable temperature regime. Some species are adapted to coolness, some like heat. But sharp jumps in temperature, drafts and proximity to radiators harm everyone. Fresh flowers in the interior should be fertilized (during the period of active growth) and regularly inspected in order to detect diseases and pests in time.

    Recommendation: Special mobile applications will help organize care. There is a plant catalog with information and advice, as well as reminders about the need for watering and feeding.

    Timely watering is not the only manifestation of care. Indoor air is often dry, especially in summer and when the heating is turned on in winter. Moisture-loving species suffer from this. We recommend purchasing a humidifier or placing a container of water next to the battery.

    Flowers in the bedroom interior

    A room with plants should promote rest and relaxation. An ideal option is sansevieria, which produces oxygen not only during the day, but also at night. For maximum benefit, place the flowerpot within a radius of 2 m from the sleeping place. Begonia, pelargonium (geranium), spathiphyllum (female happiness), myrtle are also suitable for the room.

    Do not underestimate smells: flowers in pots in the interior create a mood, help with insomnia, relieve tension. It is an excellent alternative to aroma diffusers and air fresheners. For example, the aromas of room jasmine and lavender will promote a restful sleep.

    Plants for the interior of the bathroom

    The microclimate of the bathroom resembles a tropical forest. It is humid, stuffy and there is little light. Choose species that love the shade, as well as resistant to high humidity and temperature. But even shade-loving and shade-tolerant flora need light. Install small lamps or occasionally display flower pots on a well-lit windowsill.

    Suitable plants are indoor bamboo, chlorophytum, sansevieria, monstera. In addition, you can often see orchids in bathrooms. Despite the fact that flowers are associated with capriciousness and fragility, there are 2 species that are able to take root here. These are "butterfly" and "cuckoo shoes". They will look harmonious in the area of the sink near the mirror.

    House plants in the interior of the kitchen

    Fresh greens from the garden, which is always at hand, is a dream (of course, if you do not live in the country). Combine aesthetics and practicality, create a mini-garden in the kitchen. Grow herbs and vegetables to immediately add to dishes. These can be ordinary pots on shelves and shelves or a mini-greenhouse.

    Parsley, cilantro, basil, onions, rosemary are suitable for a mini-garden. Tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers are already a level more difficult, but you will manage. When choosing soil, the simplest solution will be a universal mixture. Do not forget to sign the pots with stairs, water them and thin them. Feel like gardening is your thing? Try growing a lemon, kaffir lime, or avocado from the pit. If you are just going to green the kitchen, choose unpretentious violets, ivy, asparagus.

    A bed on a decorative ladder will look unusual. Hand-made is also in trend, make a pot yourself. Old dishes are suitable for this: a cup, a teapot, an iron container.